Garnisons Parken Skagen
Logo Design
Print & Assets
Website Design
Branding Logo Design Print & Assets Website Design
A brand new community of 72 classic homes in the heart of picturesque Skagen. The unique architecture and the maritime spirit is part of making Skagen an iconic destination. Drawing inspiration from the traditional sea cottages painted in yellow ochre, Garnisons Parkens summer houses will resemble the same charming exterior.
We were tasked with creating a brand identity and style which would captivate investors and potential buyers as well as reflect the style and design of the property development itself across a variety of touch-points including: Property Logo Design & Branding, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Development Brochure Design & Website Landing Page.
From taking plans from the architects, administering the changes, choosing the angles and creative direction, we took care of the entire process of creating the CGIs.